Represents a Tuya device.
You must pass either an IP or an ID. If you're experiencing problems when only passing one, try passing both if possible.
Extends EventEmitter
= {}
Name | Description |
options.ip String?
IP of device |
options.port Number
(default 6668 )
port of device |
options.id String?
ID of device (also called
options.gwID String
(default '' )
gateway ID (not needed for most devices),
if omitted assumed to be the same as
options.key String
encryption key of device (also called
options.productKey String?
product key of device (currently unused) |
options.version Number
(default 3.1 )
protocol version |
options.nullPayloadOnJSONError Boolean
(default false )
if true, emits a data event containing a payload of null values for on-device JSON parsing errors |
options.issueGetOnConnect Boolean
(default true )
if true, sends GET request after
connection is established. This should probably be
in synchronous usage.
options.issueRefreshOnConnect Boolean
(default false )
if true, sends DP_REFRESH request after
connection is established. This should probably be
in synchronous usage.
options.issueRefreshOnPing Boolean
(default false )
if true, sends DP_REFRESH and GET request after
every ping. This should probably be
in synchronous usage.
const tuya = new TuyaDevice({id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'})
Gets a device's current status. Defaults to returning only the value of the first DPS index.
Promise<(Boolean | Object)>
returns boolean if single property is requested, otherwise returns object of results
// get first, default property from device
tuya.get().then(status => console.log(status))
// get second property from device
tuya.get({dps: 2}).then(status => console.log(status))
// get all available data from device
tuya.get({schema: true}).then(data => console.log(data))
Refresh a device's current status. Defaults to returning all values.
= {}
Name | Description |
options.schema Boolean?
true to return entire list of properties from device |
options.dps Number
(default 1 )
DPS index to return |
options.cid String?
if specified, use device id of zigbee gateway and cid of subdevice to refresh its status |
options.requestedDPS Array.Number
(default [4,5,6,18,19,20] )
only set this if you know what you're doing |
returns object of results
// get first, default property from device
tuya.refresh().then(status => console.log(status))
// get second property from device
tuya.refresh({dps: 2}).then(status => console.log(status))
// get all available data from device
tuya.refresh({schema: true}).then(data => console.log(data))
Sets a property on a device.
Name | Description |
options.dps Number
(default 1 )
DPS index to set |
options.set any?
value to set |
options.cid String?
if specified, use device id of zigbee gateway and cid of subdevice to set its property |
options.multiple Boolean
(default false )
Whether or not multiple properties should be set with options.data |
options.data Object
(default {} )
Multiple properties to set at once. See above. |
options.shouldWaitForResponse Boolean
(default true )
see #420 and #421 for details |
returns response from device
// set default property
tuya.set({set: true}).then(() => console.log('device was turned on'))
// set custom property
tuya.set({dps: 2, set: false}).then(() => console.log('device was turned off'))
// set multiple properties
multiple: true,
data: {
'1': true,
'2': 'white'
}}).then(() => console.log('device was changed'))
// set custom property for a specific (virtual) deviceId
dps: 2,
set: false,
devId: '04314116cc50e346566e'
}).then(() => console.log('device was turned off'))
Disconnects from the device, use to close the socket and exit gracefully.
Events that TuyAPI emits.
Emitted on socket error, usually a result of a connection timeout. Also emitted on parsing errors.
: error event
Emitted when socket is connected to device. This event may be emitted multiple times within the same script, so don't use this as a trigger for your initialization code.
Emitted when a heartbeat ping is returned.
Emitted when dp_refresh data is proactive returned from device, omitting dps 1 Only changed dps are returned.
Emitted when data is returned from device.
Emitted when a socket is disconnected
from device. Not an exclusive event:
and disconnected
may be emitted
at the same time if, for example, the device
goes off the network.
A complete packet.
Type: Object
Low-level class for parsing packets.
const parser = new MessageParser({key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', version: 3.1})
Low-level class for encrypting and decrypting payloads.
const cipher = new TuyaCipher({key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', version: 3.1})
Computes a Tuya flavored CRC32
Tuya CRC32